Adventure-wear: Lane Huerta Captures the Imagination with Lovelane Designs

Artist and designer Lane Huerta brings imagination to life with Lovelane Designs, a vibrant line of children’s wear that lets kids be superheroes, pirates, queens and kings.

Warning: You might be jealous that kids these days have the chance to play pretend with Lovelane’s ultra-bright, fantastic clothes line while you just an old blanket for a cape or a pile of sticks when growing up. Lane Huerta’s designs are ready to fly with super hero capes, rule magical kingdoms with crowns and explode into rainbows with unicorn bestowed clothes. Adding a colorful, blocky-cartoon-like design to the playscapes of the imagination, Huerte’s designs will make you wish you could go back in time and be a kid again.ids be superheroes, pirates, queens and kings.

Growing up in rural North Caroline, Lane was well practiced in creating imaginary adventures as a child. Inspired by these adventures (and of course the likes of Pippi Longstocking and Punky Brewster), she had now given kids super fun wears and designs that bring a bright and bold texture to the imagination.

Photography: Lovelane Designs

Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids
Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids
Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids
Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids
Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids
Lovelane's capes and adventure-wear for kids