The Shape Of Things: SND Concept Store by 3GATTI

Architecture firm 3GATTI, sculpts 10,000 hanging fiber-glass shapes to create one unbelievable ceiling at the SND Concept Store in Chongqing, China.

Located at the Chongqing World Financial Center, the SND Concept Store is a clothing boutique quite unlike any other. The store’s façade, bright and inviting, offers a mere glimpse into the remarkable sculptural attraction that waits within. Once inside, some 10,000-fiberglass shapes hang from above carefully curated and designed by architecture firm 3GATTI. Led by chief architect Francesco Gatti, the SND Concept Store provides an ethereal escape for the roaming shopper.

The materials used in this uniquely arched structure add to the delicate beauty of the space. The most prominent of all of these materials is the very thin white translucent fiberglass that makes up the majority of the design. These fire resistant fiberglass pieces not only hide the technical equipment necessary for the store (i.e., lighting, speakers, sprinklers, cameras, etc.), but they also provide a great reflective surface for the hidden lights within.

In an attempt to optimize a limited amount of floor space, 3GATTI made the decision to have all retail items hang from the ceiling. By using software that could mimic the physics of actual materials, they conceived of an elastic ceiling that would appear to be pulled down by the weight of each item. Additionally, there are numerous mirrors lining the walls, reflectively extending the primary structure. This allows the space to have a boundless and cavernous effect.

The floor and the walls of the shop are outfitted with recycled timber, providing a sleek contrast to the bright white fiberglass. The furniture, which includes sofas, a cash desk, and product displays, are all covered with a soft grey felt. Each piece is slightly lifted off the ground by a hidden platform causing the items to appear to be floating.

For 3GATTI, a firm that specializes in the integration between cutting edge architecture and visual arts, the SND Concept Store is an ideal public space to display their use of imaginative and innovative designs.

Photography courtesy of 3GATTI







SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti
SDN Concept Store by 3Gatti